Speaker: Alf Palmer
Recording, transcription, analysis: Tasaku Tsunoda
Web version: David Nathan
About the text
Alf Palmer's spoken material was transcribed from field tape 72/26 of 24 August 1972; duration about 32.5 minutes. Warrungu is the Aboriginal language of the Upper Herbert River area of north Queensland (inland from Tully), Australia.
This website
Converted from interlinear transcription file to indexed and linked HTML. The material has been divided into three stories: Talking about language; Going places; and Bangarra (blue-tongued-lizard) story. Draft version of 2 August 2002: contains some errors, such as misaligned words.
The sounds are provided in compact-sized, low-quality RealAudio format. The way they play on your computer depends on how your browser is configured. Obtain a free RealAudio player from http://www.real.com.
Image: Tasaku Tsunoda (left) and Alf Palmer (right), Palm Island, Queensland, September, 1974